Friday, October 23, 2015

The first step is the hardest.

Hi everyone!  Tomorrow ends my third full week of classes! I am so grateful to those that have come to my classes and thank those that have helped spread the word. You are my heroes.

Funny story, since August I've had my space secured, some equipment purchased, and all of my official paperwork ready for my new clients. I had workout programs written, my daily messages planned out, and on paper I couldn't have been more prepared. But I couldn't pull the trigger. To be honest, I was afraid. I was afraid of failure, afraid nobody would come, and afraid that I would make a fool out of myself in front of those that did come. I was paralyzed and I wasn't quite sure what to do...

I am so thankful that I have so many wonderful friends and family members in my life that were giving me the encouragement to pull that trigger. Their words just kept ringing in my ears, "just do it". And I did.

I want to make the parallel between starting a business and starting anything new. There's so many things that we don't do because we're afraid of failure. We don't want to be judged and we don't want to make an excuse if we don't follow through. I know. So,if you ever needed encouragement, whether it's to start a healthy regimen  - or to start a business - or to take control of your relationships - let me be that voice inside your head telling you that you can do it. Let me be that voice until you realize that it is possible and until you believe in yourself. 

The more you do what you are uncomfortable doing, the easier it gets.  You get stronger - your mind, your self confidence and your whole attitude changes and gets better.  What ever you decide to do (and I encourage you to do it), take control, commit and then reap the rewards of your hard work by increasing your chances for a healthier and happier life. I am! :)

<3 MC

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